Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport Low Cost Terminal Design, PRC
This project is in collaboration with CCDI (Shenzhen). The first and second floors of the project will be used to provide aviation services for domestic low-cost airlines and small passenger planes in the short term. In the long term, there is the possibility for renovation to provide service for international low-cost airlines and satisfy a passenger demand of 5MAP. The building will be on the left side of Terminal 3. The junction between the old and new terminals is connected seamlessly with an angle of 135 degrees. The new building can function as a terminal, office, commercial, and hotel building, which reflects the characteristics of modern airport development: high capacity, multi-functional, and integrated.
本專案一、二層近期為國內低成本航空公司和停靠遠機位的小型客機提供進出港服務,並考慮遠期增加為國際低成本航空公司提供進出港服務的改造可能,滿足年旅客輸送量500 萬人次的業務需求。擬建的業務樓位於T3 左側,在設計中,于新舊航廈結合處引入一夾角為135 度的軸線,與T3 無縫連接。在這座新建築裡,包含了航廈,辦公,商業,機組人員過夜用房等各類性質的功能用房,體現了現代航廈發展的特點:高容量,多功能,一體化。
Client \ 廈門國際航空港股份有限公司
Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport
Location \ Xiamen, China
Year \ 2008
Area \ 50,000 ㎡
Passenger Volume \ 5 MAP
Cost \ RMB 300,000,00
Status \ Delayed
Collaborators \ CCDI