Taichung International Airport International Terminal Architecture Design
臺灣,台中國際機場新建國際航廈建築設計案, 台灣
With the increase in economic exchange between Taiwan and the mainland, aviation demand has developed as well. In 2010, AYD worked with with Qianxin Co. and won the International Project with the concept “Flying Over Horizon” and “The Green Building”. The design emphasizes the image of the airport, the spatial characteristics, and the human-oriented environmental design. The project won “The Excellent Awards of 2013 Public Construction Golden Quality Award” and “2013 EEWD Green Building Label Golden Grade”.
隨著臺灣與大陸經濟來往增多, 航空需求迅速發展, 台中既有航廈已不能滿足需求。2010 年AYD 以台灣地平線與飛行的關係及綠建築之概念, 與謙信企業合作獲得" 中部國際機場新建國際航廈建築設計案"。設計出符合機場意象、空間特性、以及順應自然環境的建築。並獲得台灣2013 內政部公共工程品質金質獎佳作及2013 EEWH 綠建築標章黃金級。
Client \ 交通部民用航空局
Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (CAA)
Location \ Taichung, Taiwan
Year \ 2010
Area \ 35,000 ㎡
Passenger Volume \ 3.05 MA
Cost \ TWD 1,600,000,000
Status \ Completed 04/2013
Collaborators \ 許伯元建築師事務所\謙信企業股份有限公司
Xu Boyuan Architects\Qianxin Enterprise Co., Ltd.