Quanzhou Jinjiang Airport International Terminal Expansion and Existing Terminal Renovation, PRC
Quanzhou Jinjiang Airport is located in Quanzhou, the historical and cultural city of Fujian Province. Buildings in Quanzhou best represent the architectural style of southern Fujian, and they combine characteristics of different religions and cultures. The design of the new terminal uses modern art techniques to interpret the characteristics of local architecture, such as using brick walls in the corridor of the new terminal. In the terminal renovation the design team aims to use the existing facilities as much as possible, reduce the impact on operation, and connect the new and original terminal harmoniously. Additionally, the ALP creates a clear central axis, making it easy for passengers to find their destination.
泉州晉江機場位於歷史文化名城和僑鄉泉州市內。 泉州建築最具閩南特色, 同時融匯了多種宗教和外域文化。新航廈的設計當中,設計團隊通過採用現代的藝術手法來詮釋出當地建築的特色, 如“出磚入石”。空側候機廳的外牆採用磚石牆面不規則的特色, 在規律中不失單調。 原有航廈的改造中, 設計團隊本著節約的原則,儘量沿用原有設施, 因地制宜地進行改造, 並保證在改造期間不影響正常的運作, 而且非常著重新舊航廈的連接和協調。 在整體規劃中, 團隊創造了清晰的中軸線的概念, 使旅客很方便找到目標方向。
Client \ 泉州晉江機場
Quanzhou Jinjiang Airport Co., Ltd
Location \ Fujian, China
Year \ 2009
Area \ 37,000 ㎡
Passenger Volume \ 3.5 MA
Cost \ RMB 250,000,00
Status \ Complete