Port Columbus International Airport, architecture and engineer multi-discipline enhancement
After working as the designer of the expansion at Port Columbus while at URS, Ms. Yang was hired again by the airport to create a design concept for the new Port Columbus Master plan. The design was created with business travelers in mind; the most numerous and frequent flyers in the Columbus market. Business travelers typically walk on with e-tickets and do not check bags. As a result, the departure curb and departure ticketing level is located above the actual departure concourse level. This enables business travelers to park their cars, cross the pedestrian bridge towards security, to the departure gates, and onto the waiting aircraft. The design has a 6,000 car parking garage and 34 gates at the full build out. The design can be built in several phases and is currently under study.
繼在URS工作時為哥倫布機場擴建工程擔任建築師後, 楊女士再次受雇于該機場,為新哥倫布機場總體平面進行概念設計。設計理念出於對出入哥倫布機場最多和最頻繁的旅客--商務旅客的貼心考慮。商務旅客一般使用電子機票並且不用進行行李檢測。因此,離港區和離港票務層都在現有的離港大廳層之上。這使得商務旅客可以在停好車後,快速走過人行天橋至安檢,登機口,然後進入等候的飛機。該設計有6000個停車位的車庫,全部建設完成之後將有34個登機口。專案可分成數個階段進行建設,目前正在研究階段。
Client \ 哥倫布國際機場
Port Columbus International Airport
Location \ Columbus, Ohio, USA
Year \ 2004
Area \ 371,600 ㎡
Passenger Volume \ 60 MAP
Cost \ N/A
Status \ Complete
Collaborators \ URS, Landrum & Brown