Invited to Singapore ISAIA 2019 Lecture, August 2019
受邀新加坡ISAIA 2019演講 (2019 August)
楊建築師受邀參與由新加坡民航局CAAS (Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore)主辦ISAIA 2019,研討會以航空建設規劃與發展為主軸。楊建築師介紹進行中的高雄國際機場新航廈規劃設計案,並針對空側新建指廊及空橋規劃設計說明概念及想法。
April Yang was invited to participate in the ISAIA 2019 sponsored by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), which focused on aviation construction planning and development. She introduced the ongoing planning and design of the new airport building at Kaohsiung International Airport, and explained the design concepts and ideas for the new side corridor and empty bridge planning.