
Kaohsiung International Airport Expansion

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Kaohsiung Airport International Exit Hall Expansion Planning and Design


The Kaohsiung International Airport domestic terminal has a multitude of issues, such as a dated facade, inefficient space utilization, and a lack of boarding bridges. The international terminal is also facing a requirement of expansion within the next few years. Thus, in order to enhance and expand, this project provides flexible planning concepts for a domestic terminal renovation and International terminal expansion.

高雄國際機場國內航廈建築構造與相關設施老舊,且無空橋設施,外觀及服務水準均欠佳,亟待改善;國際線航廈亦面臨著數年內容量即將飽和之狀況; 為提升高雄機場國內線航廈服務水準,提供更新穎舒適之航廈空間及與國際線航廈間相互支援,本計畫為高雄機場國內線航廈新建登機廊廳結合國際線航廈擴建計劃工程提出先期規劃作業。


Client \ 高雄國際航空站
Kaohsiung International Airport
Location \ Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Year \ 2014
Area \ 16,000 ㎡
Passenger Volume \ 6.04 MAP
Cost \ TWD 100,000,000
Status \ Competition
Collaboration \ 石昭永建築師事務所
Shi Zhaoyong Architects