Explora Space Museum, Design Competition , PRC
This project won an international design competition.
The museum design perfectly blends the excitement of an amusement park with the educational values of a science museum. Visitors to the Explora Space Museum will gain knowledge about space science and the dynamics and physics of space flight. The complex includes an astronomy museum with a hybrid digital planetarium and omnimax theater with the form of the sun. Three wings of the museum will cover aviation history, China and the world's aerospace technology, and a pavilion with a dark space tour, allowing visitors to experience space flight. The facility also includes a greenhouse exhibit featuring food grown in space and on other planets. Between the various pavilions are outdoor rides that simulate everything from the force of lift off and landing to flight dynamics and zero gravity.
該專案在一個國際設計競賽中獲勝。楊女士設計的博物館將遊樂園的活力和科學博物館的科教價值完美地結合在一起。來到太空博物館的遊客將獲得有關太空科學的知識教育以及深入到太空飛行的動力學和物理學方面的知識。這個綜合建築包括一座帶有混合數位天象儀的天文博物館和外觀形似太陽的立體劇院。三個側翼的展出內容將涵蓋航空史, 中國和世界航空技術, 還有一座擁有展品和提供太空黑暗之旅的展館, 令遊客親身體驗太空飛行。該專案還包括一個溫室展覽, 展出在太空中以及其他行星上種植的食物。在各個展館之間是室外騎乘器, 可以類比飛行器發射和著陸時的重力作用, 飛行動力以及零重力。
Client \ N/A
Location \ Beijing, China
Year \ 2002
Area \ N/A
Passenger Volume \ N/A
Cost \ N/A
Status \ Competition